Developed by Steven Colling, The Loot Castle is offering an interesting twist on tower defence games. Instead of the tried and tested formula of having a bunch of units to place to hinder the advancing enemy, you indirectly control a set of skeletons occupying various rooms in your castle that are tasked with fending off the advancing knight attack. The big difference from traditional tower defence mechanisms though is control via setting up skill trees.
For each of the five rooms (Barracks, Kitchen, Laboratory, Altar and Throne) you can assign skills that the defending skeletons will be able to utilize while defending against the oncoming knights. the different rooms have different skills that can be used and each skill can be leveled up with skill points that are earned form successful defences.
All in all it looks a nice departure from the usual TD game as it requires much more management of the skills in the tree, and keeping an eye on the skills that are effective in which room and complement each other and magnify each others effect.
Main site and purchase link:
Also available on Desura
Alistair Brugsch
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