3 Epic Steam bundles from Bundle Stars!

When it comes to Bundle Stars, they really do know how to create some great bundles with incredible games for a great price. Thus today we have three bundles to show you; the Reboot 8.0 Bundle, the Breakthrough Bundle and the Evolution Bundle, each one packed with lots of Steam games that are sure to keep you occupied for hours!

So lets start with the first bundle, the Reboot 8.0 Bundle in which for the first 48 HOURS ONLY! You pay £1.49 for 6 action-packed Steam games, saving 97%! Which is a great deal in itself. but with games such as Stealth Bastard, Gray Matter, Zeno Clash, Etherlords 2, Ring Runner and Heroes of Annihilated Empires it's a pretty impressive bundle for retro heads. What really stood out through for me was Annihilated Empires. In it's time it was one of the greats, with great attention to detail, a great story and plenty of action combat in an RPG genre. Just a shame when it came out on Steam much later it didn't work as it kept on complaining about specific graphics cards, which has since been fixed.


Onto the second bundle, the Breakthrough Bundle. Which is an usual bundle for Bundle Stars as it is more towards the latest trend of early access. Basically it's a list of games that are still in development and may well have bugs and problems that won't be in the final build. In a way you help the development, but at least it gives you the chance to see how the games have progressed and play early. Games list include Bedlam, Dwelvers, Calibre 10 Racing, Shadow Blade, GearCity and From the Depths, a price of only £14.99 for the next 19 hours.


The final bundle for today is the Evolution Bundle, which is even cheaper than the previous at only £2.59 for 6 awesome Early Access games! Games such as Colossal Kaiju Combat, Freaking Meatbags, Fancy Skulls, Steam Bandits, Infinite Space III and Dreaming Sarah. Once again though these games are early access which as we stated before are games that are in development and you get to play them early, even if some can be a bit buggy.


So there you have it, lots of fun games to enjoy, great prices and plenty of early access!

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