Elite Dangerous - Beta 2 is now available to download! [ UPDATE ]

With over 400 billion star systems, jaw dropping graphics, huge space stations and mind blowing combat it just has to be Elite Dangerous, David Braben's latest game in the Elite series. Although the game is still in beta with a great amount of support, the developers have announced a new beta 2 version that is every bit as big as the first one with tons of features and improvements!


- Playable area expanded (a capsule 100ly long and 30ly wide @500 systems)
- Can scan celestial bodies
- Can sell explorer data
- Can buy body data
- Asp added
- Reputation affects mission availability
- Pre-flight checks added
- Designer created content can be used in newsfeeds
- When an AI hyperspaces it informs the hyperdrive component where it's going, which stores this information in the wake object in the hyperspace cloud. If the player scans the cloud and then hyperspaces, the wake information is recorded
- AI ships now able to fly in super cruise
- Scanner works in supercruise
- Ocellus starport type added
- In system map added
- Scan data reveals objects in the in system map
- News feed support added to station services
- Outfitting system upgrade
- ECM systems added
- Cargo hatch disrupter devices added
- Mine launcher added
- Proximity mines added
- Added metal type asteroids
- Added ice type asteroids
- Various outpost types added
- Added repair wear and tear in repair modules menu
- Loans added for insurance
- Added SLI/X-Fire support
- Added backers' NPC names
- Ship wear and tear added
- AI pilots now have rankings
- Drives and shields now affected by ship's mass
- Single player scenarios adapted to tutorials
- Add docking tutorial
- Major update to how system contents are generated
- New batch of German translations
- Extensive music system updates
- System economy/meta data dynaically generated for the non-authored systems

Even more fixes and tweaks are available to view HERE

2.02 UPDATE : We've just been informed that a beta 2.02 is incoming as a few issues have appeared in the previous beta that needed an immediate fix!

See latest LINK for details


  1. This game will consume my life when released =)

  2. 2.02 incoming, see update for details :)


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