I Hate Skool - Faithful remake of spectrum 48K Skool Daze

Pablo Barron of White Hole Studios presents their first game "I hate skool" an updated version of a spectrum 48K and C64 classic, Skool Daze. Of course, as you can see, the graphic style has been kept faithful to the original Speccy version as a celebration of the original's 30th anniversary, but has been programmed from scratch as a complete remake.

You play a problematic kid, and you’ve found yourself in a situation in which you’re probably not going to pass this year. Therefore, you need to find a way in your school life to open the safe in which your school records are stored and change them while you attend classes and try not to get too many lines. If you are charged too many lines, you will be dismissed from school and it is game over.

However, over and above being a remake, I Hate Skool also adds several new features to bring the gameplay up to date:
  • Fight, shoot, jump, sit, write on blackboards, and most important of all, don’t miss any classes or you’ll get lines!
  • Now you can answer the teachers’ questions and beat the swot in his own game!
  • A much more lively school now full of kids attending classes and doing their life independently.
  • Full weather system. Don’t get wet or you’ll get lines!
  • Beat the game in the old Skool Daze style: Activate every shield, get the combination from the teachers (and the forgetful Mr.Creak!), open the safe and change your report!
I hate Skool is being made available completely free (although you can opt to pay what you want) on Windows at:
White Hole Studios website



  1. Hmmm 404 for .io, both here and the web site...

  2. Hey Gryzor, the links should be up later according to the developer " 'i hate skool' downloads temporarily down #ihateskool"


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