Karate Master 2 - Ass kicking realistic fighter now available!

Although we do love our platformers and shooters, let us not forget those ass kicking fighting games such as Karate Master 2, which has been released today for those who want to exchange blows. Developed by Crian Soft, Karate Master 2 : Knock Down Blow is for those of you who want a fun arcade fighting game but with extra added realism of training and character improvements. This could well be the best fighting game of 2014 but that's for you to decide.

Karate Master 2 will surprise you with its realism, the violence of the clashes and the originality of the gameplay.

Here some of its unique features:

  • -Realistic depiction of Karate techniques.
  • -No super-power, no ridiculous combos, no high jumps, etc.
  • -The blows effect are brutally represented!
  • -Possibility to get injured during the match. 
  • -Training hard, improve your characteristics and abilities.
  • -Different types of fighting rules, from No face punch rules, to No-rules.
  • -Special Event and Exhibitions.
  • -Become a Karate Master and open your own school.
Available for 8.99 EUR : PC
Steam Greenlight page

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