Rocket Ranger Reloaded - Cinemaware announces the next retro revamp Kickstarter

Another big update for the gaming community, as Rocket Ranger; an action adventure game originally developed by Cinemaware in 1988 for a multitude of systems is set to be graphically overhauled through a Kickstarter campaign. Once again developed by the same company Cinemaware, "Rocket Ranger Reloaded" will return to the 1930's-40's with that authentic B-Movie Hollywood style and will feature a number of enhancements such as all in high-definition stylized graphics with a new orchestral soundtrack, amazing sound effects and all of the game's action sequences will be vastly enhanced while staying true to the spirit of the original game.

Also according to Cinemaware they will be boosting and expanding the game with tons of new content (locations, gadgets, weapons, equipment, outfits, characters, vehicles, etc.), gameplay upgrades, brand-new action and story sequences, a deeper strategic component and several new characters that will come together to greatly increase the re playability and help fulfil the great vision of this unique game!

Rocket Ranger is a World War 2 action-adventure game, originally released by Cinemaware in 1988 on the Amiga and many other platforms. At the time, it earned some of the highest reviews of all Amiga games and endeared it in the hearts of many gamers around the world for its great atmosphere, presentation style and fun gameplay. 
So all in all, this is looking to be a mighty impressive overhaul that not just retro gamers will like but new gamers alike that want something different in an action adventure genre. If Cinemaware can succeed as they have done with all their recent classics and "Wings : Remastered" lets hope they can with "Rocket Ranger Reloaded"

$89,999 goal

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