Rock Boshers DX - ZX Spectrum inspired shooter set for multiplatform release

Tikipod have just announced that Rock Boshers DX : Martian Adventure will be available next week for PS4/Vita/PC/MAC/Linux. With a backdrop of glorious eye popping ZX Spectrum colour in HD 4K detail, Rock Boshers DX will be a nostalgic trip back to the 8bit days as you fight across Mars and escape back home and away from your ordeal of rock bosh mining after an evil double cross.

With incredible detail for a ZX Spectrum inspired title, Rock Boshers DX will have you hitting the buy now button as it features; Top down and side on 8 way puzzle arcade shooting, four player local battle arenas, brand new levels, minigames, authentic 8-bit music and sound effects, original and sped up load times, time completion challenges, big battles and lots of rocks.

Keep an eye on the website for the trailer and the final release!

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