Stagehand - Draw the curtains in this latest Ludum Dare 31 entry

Fractal Fox developer of the excellent Octane Witch  has just released "Stagehand" for the Ludum Dare 31 entry, in which an entire game is only allowed on one screen. Playing as T-rex Sam, the first T-rex to ever be a stagehand on Broadway! You are tasked with listening to the actors and helping them out as needed, but watch out for guests throwing Tomatoes!

As for my thoughts of the game, it certainly has a lot of charm and interest as you play as a lovable T-Rex gathering different objects for the theatre show. My only gripes are some of the required items can be pushed out of the way and can't be moved back. Especially when the actors called for the baby and I pushed the baby out the back and couldn't get it back again.  Still, it certainly is a unique title for a Ludum Dare entry and is playable in your browser.

Game Page

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