WinUAE 3.0.0 - The latest RC Amiga emulator build

We are fast approaching the final version of WinUAE which is due mid December, but today Toni Wilen has released the latest beta WinUAE of 3.0.0 Beta 26:RC1. Through all these months we've had countless updates and release version changes so it does stand to reason why Toni is finalizing his Amiga emulator for public usage. As always you can wait till the final or grab this latest version which again contains more bug fixes and improvements... See change log for details

Beta 26: RC1, Official release date deadline is mid december. This is far too too long beta series..

- Bumped version to 3.0.
- Directory filesystem statefile support didn't save open file's full path correctly if path was deeper than 2 levels from root. (Bug since directory statefile support was implemented)
- Z3 mapping mode = automatic: select always real mode if JIT is disabled.
- Added picassoiv_rom_file config file entry, if you want to use different versions or custom path.
- Off by one error in internal buffer calculation, display was shifted by 1 vertical pixel, hiding first line if window size was small enough but still big enough to fit all vertical lines.
- 68000 JMP (d8,An/PC,Xn) didn't include extra 4 cycle idle time. (Documentation says 3 read cycles which is incorrect, correct sequence is 4 idle cycles + 2 idle cycles + prefetch + prefetch)

QEMU PPC emulator dll has been updated to 2.2.0rc3 QEMU revision: (old one is still also compatible)


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