Rocket Smash EX - Brilliant arcade release for C64 & PC!

Vinny of C64 Endings and RGCD have just put the word out of a brand new C64 & PC release that looks pretty eye opening for a C64 game. 'Rocket Smash EX' by RGCD is an extended arcade shooter version of Saul Cross and John Christian's Rocket Smash, released in 2013 as an entry in the 16KB RGCD annual gamedev competition.

The story goes that you need to get home from a rather demented computer psychopath and a hateful boss, but the problem is you need a new rocket and fuel before you leave for home. Yet being in space, it's not such a lovely place, as meteors are everywhere and aliens are out to hurt you. Thankfully throughout each single screen are parts and fuel to enable you to fly off and reach home base. But beware it wont be easy!

  • Rockets! Aliens! Meteors! Lasers!
  • Story and pure arcade 'loop' game modes!
  • Three difficulty levels!
  • Cutscenes!
  • A hidden game!
Rocket Smash EX is a fantastic arcade shooting game and just another brilliant release by RGCD. What's more, you can either download it for your C64 & PC or buy the lovely package to add your ever growing retro collection from HERE. ROCKET SMASH EX will also be available to order soon in both 5.25" diskette and cassette tape format from Psytronik Software.


- UPDATE- Genesis Project has only just contacted me to let me know that the cracked/trainer C64 version is also available to download from CSDB

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