Zopper in the West - Western SEUCK shooter for the C64

It must be wild west day as another wild western game has appeared and this time it's 'Zopper in the West' for the C64 developed by Roberto Ricioppo. Playing as the sheriff, your task is to bring back the town to it's rightful glory by searching the landscape for menacing bandits. Once you've found those bandits, dodge their bullets and kill them, there will be no prisoners!

Zopper in the West is an enjoyable game as you avoid bullets, shoot back and dodge behind defences. It isn't the highest quality of C64 game we've played, but it gave us a good hours worth of entertainment even after we listened to the cool tape based music.

Programming: Roberto Ricioppo (Using Sideways SEUCK by Jon Wells)
Graphics: Roberto Ricioppo
Music: Roberto Ricioppo
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up - SEUCK - Horizontal
Tape Loader: Martin Piper + Richard Bayliss (Mastered using Tape Master Pro V2.1)


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