Serpentes - Top quality Snake for a new age!

Snake originally came about in the mid 1970's and over the years has seen many different versions and variations on different systems. The main Goal? To gain a high enough score while controlling a snake like creature, moving around a square screen area collecting food while also avoiding your tail or other obstacles as it grows ever larger with each bite. However each variation of the Snake theme has generally been the same until Benjamin Soulé released 'Serpentes'.

The variation in this release is just fantastic, it takes the original Snake game, adds the feel of an arcade, while giving it a modern graphical overhaul. Unlike the original Snake, in this one you have two split screens and the collecting of specific fruit not only gives you a certain score point but also unlocks further bonuses or hazards depending if you keep collecting the same fruit. For example if you collect a cherry, then a cherry again it may unlock a power up freeze or give you another length to your snake or even make enemies appear. Furthermore gifts can be purchased for your snake at each level end which can for example give you extra time to make the next level that bit easier.

The game is also far more of a challenge compared to the original, as not only do you have to deal with the ever increasing enemies, but nasty traps such as the blade saw which traverses the side of the screen. Yet with all this going on, I can't find any faults in the game at all, I especially like the retro sound effects which give the game a further edge against all the other Snake games that have been released over the years, a totally recommended game indeed!

Rules :
  • Select a name and a special gift for your snake.
  • You have 60 seconds to make the highest possible score.
  • Fruits properties are randomized on each game.
  • You can discover their properties by eating fruits.
  • Collect different fruits to get a full column 20 seconds time bonus
  • Dont hit your own queue, the walls or the sentries
Serpentes is available at a low price of €2.50 EUR or more with a demo for those of you who want to give it a try. - Thanks PhontonStorm & ᴵᴸᴷᵏᵉ for the heads up!


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