Seven Mages - Classic dungeon crawling for Android and iOS has a new trailer!

Last month we were contacted by Napoleon Games about their latest dungeon crawling romp 'Seven Mages' that is currently being developed for both Android and iOS devices. What looks to be a Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder mix but with added tactical game play has now got a brand new alpha 'Combat Trailer'. In this trailer the developer talks about the style of game play, how the tactics play out and generally featuring the game as a sneak preview for the final release on handhelds.

Napoleon Games: Besides the crypts at the beginning, players also experience many other environments: they emerge to the surface of the town and into the surrounding forests; they sail on boats, wade through swamps and struggle across frozen mountain peaks. And there will be much more: almost every level has its own graphic environment.

Keep an eye on the website for the release date announcement

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