Kingdoms of Steam - Amiga shoot em up new demo release!

After our recent announcement for the side scrolling shoot em up of 'Kingdoms of Steam', and then the 2 level demo release, the developers have improved the game even further by releasing a 3 level demo with some added fixes that were requested by the community. Developed by AmigaPD, Kingdoms of Steam was made in Reality and is inspired by the Megadrive game Empires of Steel but with the aim of the game to defeat the different steam fleets and return peace to the kingdom.

As for the comparisons between the old version and the new, the developers have stated that this new update has a reduced number of lives and starting money, with the enemy attack wave where the enemy rises from the bottom has now been removed. Unfortunately however, AmigaPD has stated that they can't change the animation of the main sprite, but the skipping issue could just be more related to emulation, rather than real hardware. In regards to any future development, the developer has mentioned that he has further ideas for a fourth and fifth background level but if the feedback is low, he will return to his main game of Dylan the Spaceman and release as is. 

I for one would like to see more levels and if anyone in the Amiga community can help him add much needed music throughout the game I think this will be a very decent shoot em up overall.

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