Slain! - Gorish platformer gets a new gameplay trailer and more!

We were one of the first sites to mention this gorish platformer of Slain! developed by A Wolf Brew Games, which is coming to your PC, MAC and Linux for Steam 2015. But now those same developers behind this incredibly pixelated mash of blood and body parts, not seen since the days of Moonstone have now not only released a game play trailer featuring Metal music from Celtic Frost, but also some new animated gifs to get your bloody giblit juices flowing! (Gif Heavy)

Bathoryn must battle his way through a doomed land packed with gruesome pixel art foes before ascending (or sometimes descending) each tower, defeating puzzles, traps and monsters alike. At the heart of each tower, he must confront a mighty overlord. Defeat it and Bathoryn’s quest continues. Fail, and you’ll die gruesomely – mauled by werewolves, disintegrated by floating monstrosities, squashed by great weights or torn apart by hidden blades. And you will fail…

I for one am seriously pumped for this game ever since it was first announced, and thankfully it's not just going to be on the PC Fall 2015 but it will also appear on P$/V/WiiU/XB1 early January!

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