JetSet Billy - A classic Jet Set Willy homebrew for the Amiga (UPDATE)

After the recent Amiga release of the Shoot em up 'Kingdom of Steam' and then the demo of the work in progress Dizzy styled, 'Dylan the Spaceman and the Green Smelly Aliens from Mars'. We were surprised to hear from the developer AmigaPD of another game that's nearly at a finishing stage , ' JetSet Billy'. A new Amiga game that harks back to the days of Jet Set Willy, will have about 72 screens to play through, with room names, items to collect and enemies to avoid. (See Update)

All that's needed to finish the game off with it due in about two weeks time, is the title page, an intro and then it be will uploaded to EAB. In regards to the editor that AmigaPD is using, you can change the map tiles - create rooms, unlimited number of enemies and items to collect, with the total map size about 250ish screens and max width of 16 screens. The developer will also make a post on the EAB forum at some point soon for other gamers to be able to understand how to use it.

So look forward to a release very soon and when as it's released we will give you the heads up!

UPDATE : A 95% complete version is now available to download as an ADF from the EAB forums and according to the developer. The game is playable, but lots of stuff is missing. Water doesn't slow, graphics are not double buffered, there is no sound effects (though there is lots of music). Naturally the game includes an adequate map editor. In terms of running the game it should work on 2.X kickstarts and later. To control the character you need to use the cursor keys - up is used to jump - You can press up to jump whilst holding down either left or right cursor key allowing the character to jump whilst walking.

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