The Story of The Oliver Twins book detailed update!

While we wait for the big Dizzy game announcement this Saturday 24th October at The Centre for Computing History - Cambridge (Link), Chris Wilkins has given us a further update in relation to ' The Story of The Oliver Twins ' book, which will be announced at 1pm. Created by Chris Wilkins & Roger M. Kean with cover design by Steven Day, a Kickstarter will be announced for the book that will feature memoirs from many who worked on the games with the Oliver's, the conversions to other systems and the book will also include over 100 pages on the history of the Twins.

Furthermore, the creator behind the books such as the ZX Spectrum Story in pixels and the story of the Commodore 64 in pixels, has also told us that anyone who comes to the above event and pledges towards the Kickstarter will receive a poster and postcard! Oh and also to put your mind at ease, there will be also be arcade machines, retro systems, LAN gaming, competitions, prizes to be won and more to be enjoyed.

This is a full day retro gaming event at the The Centre for Computing History in Cambridge on the 24th October 2015 - 11am to 7.30pm. Ticket price for the day is £10 per adult, £6.50 for children. There are only 110 places up for grabs and all ticket sales money goes to the museum. You can also buy the Fusion Retro Books published to date at the event and get them signed by the celebs who attend! (or you could bring your books along for signing if you already own them). So guys and girls, if you are going, Indie Retro News will see you there!


Rene Court, Coldham's Rd,
Cambridge CB1 3EW

Phone: 01223 214446

Links : 1) Facebook 2) Dizzy Retrogaming 2) Website

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