Blaze - A Sonic the Hedgehog inspired Amiga game you've got to see!

Another top quality find this month by a member of the EAB forums, s2325, is the 1993 Amiga platform game of Blaze, which was inspired by that well known grand classic of Sonic the Hedgehog, but was never actually released. Written in 68000 assembly language for the Amiga 500 by keithbugeja and sourced by the same developer, who had found this game from his surviving stash. Has finally made the alpha available for the public, after converting the ADF some years back.

This game for it's time if it had been released looked as if it could've been a serious contender to Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog. As one of the members by the name of Portuguese said " This is an extremely impressive game both technically and gameplay-wise. In the hands of a crafty programmer, the simple A500 was capable of pulling a proper Sonic clone. We can only imagine what a A1200 would be able to pull off! How unfortunate that this game wasn't finished. I reckon that adding more levels, menus, music and sound would "weight" the game down a bit and I also agree that the backgrounds deserved at least some different colours (this sort of game looks always better when there are plenty of primary colours on screen). But what we get to see from this simple preview is already very impressive ".

But as is always the case, opinions would probably differ but as we have the ADF file, you can download it below, and let us know what you think. Is the game really that good, even at this early stage and does it actually feel and play like Sonic?

Links : 1) Discussion 2) Download 3) Website

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