Night City Assault - Beat em up with style gets a double campaign!

XtraMileGames recently contacted us to announce a Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight campaign for their latest retro inspired Beat em up, ' Night City Assault ', which aims to bring back the brilliance of those classic Arcade games such as Double Dragon and Final Fight, but incorporating RPG mechanics, a robust fighting engine, exploration and a mission based campaign to create something unique, fun and engaging to play.

Set in the 1980's, you'll play as detective Roy Silver or officer Cindy Chan (or both in co-op mode!). Recent transfer Roy and new recruit Cindy find themselves stranded in an area of the city overrun by a violent syndicate that takes orders from the mysterious Viper. With no guarantee of backup, you have no choice but to fight your way through the streets and discover what is really going on in a city spiraling out of control. Action, suspense, drama!

Currently the Kickstarter campaign is already at 10% of their $26,290 goal and with a positive feedback to the Steam Greenlight campaign so far, this looks like it could well be a success for the developers, and that came as no surprise to us with features such as these!

  • A story-based campaign mode
  • Large levels to brawl across
  • Missions provided by citizens in distress
  • 20+ unique enemies and bosses
  • Freedom to explore levels at will and enter open buildings
  • An RPG-style experience and level-up system
  • On-screen hit points showing the damage of each attack (can be disabled)
  • Dialogue with voice acting and subtitles
  • Environmental hazards
  • Unlockable new moves and abilities and lastly a weapon system that allows weapons to be picked up, equipped, or stored

So if you want this game to punch it's way through to a success head on over to the links below and give them a thumbs up and a pledge!

Links : 1) Demo 2) Kickstarter 3) Steam Greenlight 4) Twitter

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