Saboteur 2 - Classic action adventure ZX Spectrum 128k remake update!

Some time back (link) we mentioned Alex Riders in development remake of the hit classic game of ' Saboteur 2 ', which was developed by Clive Townsend and released by Durell Software in 1987 for the CPC, ZX Spectrum and C64, the same publishers behind the incredible dragon flying 'Thanatos'. But today the female protagonist who kicks major ass is back, as we have an update for you! The developer has recently released a new version for you to try out with bug fixes and further features.

When that announcement was made, Alex did say to us that this release was only for fun and had no release terms but he did happen to mention the AY-sound 128K version will be released this autumn. Fast forward to today, and there has been an AY sound improvement as well as a number of other bug fixes and additional changes made during the operation. It's just a shame the development so far is in Russian as it has been difficult to follow, even with that good ol' Google Translate!

Initial plans are as follows:
  • "Accelerate" an original 48th version. [Made]
  • To fix known bugs (list below). [Made]
  • Transform overclocked 48th version in the 128-th and more disperse. [Made]
  • Pereozvucheny 128-th version AY-effects during the game [in the process]
  • Overdubbed version of the 128-th under the GS.
  • Extend gameplay 128th version.
  • Implement the suggestions made by other fans.
  • Transform the final version of a TS-Conf.
List repaired bugs:
  • Endless punch cards in one of the boxes.
  • When using the teleport is not written message about the arrival of the bike (in fact, he is always there).
  • Incorrect rendering platform lift.
  • Raskolbashenny guard.
  • Running under water.
  • Fixed guard walking through the air through the walls (in the attachment). 
Additional changes made during the operation:
  • Due to the cancellation of infinite deck of cards thrown over 100 units of the timer in the 8 th level.
  • At the request of goodboy PROTEK replaced by SINCLAIR 2.
  • The 128th version of the music is only the menu and not disabled.
  • No final vresii rasprstranyayutsya usually in Debug Mode - with infinite energy, time and stopped the killing of the guards with a single blow.

For further developments such as the Russian discussion and the current version for download, they are viewable below.

Links : 1) Discussion (Translated) 2) Discussion ( Download )

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