QUOD INIT EXIT II - The sequel to the colourful C64 game has been teased.

Last month we gave a special mention to Retreams Arcade homebrew of ' QUOD INIT EXIT ', that had a cute little pig, lots of fast moving fruit and was so colourful you would've been silly not to even load up through a C64 or the emulator WinVICE. So to hear from the developer of the sequel which has only just been announced, we were just a little bit excited. Named as ' QUOD INIT EXIT II ', you once again play as the piggy, but this time looks to be more of a side scrolling platformer with finished development into next year.

As of this time we don't have any further information other than this game having more humour than the previous one and the game play being different. In regards to the video - (The music is just a placeholder; it is a SID remake by Marcin Romanowski of the Magic Woods levels from Amiga's Superfrog.)

You can follow the developments (HERE) but don't expect the game to come out any time soon!

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