Alex Zirconstar and the Escape from planet Sina - High quality Amiga game teased!

Looking at the above screenshots even if they are teaser images, I think you'd be surprised to learn that this is from a new Amiga game called ' Alex Zirconstar and the Escape from planet Sina ', which is due to be released at some point in the next month or two. Developed by Kevin Saunders, with Patrick Nevian doing the excellent music tracks and game/level design'; Alex Zirconstar looks to be an action platformer, developed using the Backbone engine and possible requirements being a 68030 / 2MB Chip / 1 MB Fast Amiga.

And that is pretty much all we know for the time being, as soon we get any further information such as footage, we will give you the heads up. Doesn't it look good though?

Links : 1) Source

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