CHASE - NES Arcade homebrew gets an Amiga port

Wanted Team are on fire lately as they've also released the NES homebrew game of ' CHASE ' for the Amiga. Originally developed by SHIRU and Amiga teased at the Retrokomp 2015 gamedev, you play as a green faced thief and must move around in a Pacman like maze collecting all the golden gems to finish the level. Just watch out for the enemy police around you that increase in number with each level, or it's a life lost!

This game however compared to Alter Ego, did seem to run into issues when I tested it via WinUAE using A1200 mode. Not only was it very jerky but it ran extremely fast and was unplayable, although I have yet to test it on a real Amiga 1200. Using the A500 configuration however it worked fine at the correct speeds. Apart from that it's a fun game that did give me a feeling of Pacman, it would also suit kids of a very young age and a great first timer using an Amiga.

You'll be pleased to know that this game is also free to play and downloadable below! - Thanks Solo for the heads up.

- UPDATE - Since writing this article, we now have the updated version thanks to Asman which has fixed the speed issue for use on the Amiga 1200. Please see mirror for updated file

Links : 1) Source 2) Download 3) Mirror

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