Cap'n Rescue Reprisal - Early arcade test gameplay on the ZX Spectrum

Another ZX Spectrum game has entered the homebrew arena and this time as an early test version, is LoadingScreech's AGD arcade platformer ' Cap'n Rescue ' for the ZX Spectrum 128k. In this game you play as Captain Robert Goode in the lair of an evil witch from the future. After surviving from a soul capture and fighting his way deep from the underground, you must undo Mortyna's damage to the time line and find her magical Time Jewel. Now if only you could deal with the strange creatures and technology which is scattered around this menacing lair.

The gameplay is pretty simple to understand, move from screen to screen, pick up the coin tokens for points and finally pick up the laser power-ups which will aid you against any enemies on screen, as they are usually limited to just 8 shots. Unlike the previous game we mentioned however, this one is your typical platformer that has jump and fall similarities to Jet Set Willy. In that, if you fall to far, or jump of a slightly too high ledge, it will kill you and you'll lose a life * Very annoying *.

There's not much more that needs to be said about the game in its current test form other than it being an ok game that is still worth picking up and having a good play. But do make sure to report any bugs to the developer on the WOS forums.

Links : 1) Discussion 2) Download ( may be out of date )

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