Downforce Red Hot Princess Carnage - Fast paced racing for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive

After posting the latest #BitBitjam3 games, we have another to mention that is sure to excite our Sega Genesis and Megadrive fans, and that is PixelArtM's top down rapid racer ' Downforce : Red Hot Princess Carnage '. If you loved games such as F-Zero, Road Fighter or that fun arcade classic Nitro, then this #BitBitJam3 game which was only developed in just 7 days, might just be the game for you!

The idea behind the game is simple enough to understand, survive the race with a damn good time and try to at least come first. But be aware this game is SO fast that at times your eyes may struggle to keep up, especially when using boost lanes. The only down side and that isn't the graphics or music as those are VERY good, is the fact that I was never able to catch up with any of the cars even when using boost lanes. Also which was strange was the cars only move when you do, if  you stop they stop. Hopefully this will be looked into as this is still an early version and a rather cool looking jam game.

Credits : @PixelArtM @Pocket_Lucho @ManuTrigger & @DavidBonus

Links : 1) Source 2) Emulator

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