Ghosts'n Goblins - Classic Arcade Amiga platformer crack fixed by Flashtro

In 1985 Capcom released the historic game Ghosts 'n Goblins for the Arcades, which was later released over the years on several other platforms such as the Amiga, Amstrad and C64. It was the first game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise where the player controls a knight, named Sir Arthur, who must defeat zombies, ogres, demons, cyclops, dragons and other monsters in order to rescue Princess Prin Prin. Well that same game has once again re-appeared, but this time as an Amiga crack fixed and trainered Flashtro release!

According to FlashTro in regards to this latest crack/trainered release of which we missed out last month, the original Jump and Shoot hack by CFOU was ripped from the WHDLOAD install and had a number of problems fixed from previous versions, with one of them being a final boss level graphics issue. Other than that we don't know much about what was else was fixed, but we do know that there is an inclusive trainer and a very good musical cracktro by Flashtro themselves.

So prepare yourselves gamers, to play one of the most difficult games ever to be released, yet oh so awesome in game play. Featuring multiple levels, undressing damage, new weapons, bonuses and different suits of armour!

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