New Release Platformer Fort Django For The C64!

Fort Django is a brand spanking, shiny, newly released platformer for the Commodore 64 from Dr. TerrorZ, featuring super fluid gameplay, and extra large sprites offering a new twist to the genre.

Fort Djangos premise is very simple, shoot the bad guys, grab the loot, and try to exit the fort in one piece. My initial impressions were underwhelmed, sadly there is much missing from the game. The too simple gameplay gets old very quickly, and lack of music or sounds (apart from gunfire) doesn't help the situation. I would liked to have said the graphics are the redeeming feature, and while the fluidity of animation is great, they were on the whole generally plain, and could have been more colourful and polished.

In conclusion, the extra large sprites gives a new twist, the animations were very fluid, and being able to shoot from the ladders was a great addition. But ultimately the average graphics, almost total lack of sounds, and boring gameplay does not offer much and I found myself switching off after 5 minutes.

If Dr. TerrorZ could add some more gameplay features such as puzzles, switches, keys, locks etc, and the sorely needed in-game, hi-score, and title screen music and a touch more variety of sfx, this could be a great game.

Links: 1) Grab the game here 2) Dr. TerrorZ profile

Article by monkspeed
@monk_speed - My YouTube

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