Princess Flame Adventure Time - Radastan's new BitbitJam3 ZX Spectrum release

Every so often a new game jam begins in which creators around the world come together to make a game that follows the rules set by the competition operators. This can be anything from making an adventure game to creating something that looks like an old 80's original. #BitbitJam3 for example is one such jam that is still ongoing; where people around the world had to create a game for old hardware in a week. Our first pick from the bunch is Radastan's ZX Spectrum homebrew ' Flame Princess Adventure Time ', which was developed using La Churrera and is based on the brilliant cartoon that most families enjoyed watching; ' Adventure Time '.

In this game you play as the Flame Princess, and it is down to you to rescue Finn from the evil Ice King. Throughout each screen you must avoid or defeat the enemies that move around. If however you don't do this and they touch you, it's a loss of life. Sadly that's I all really know of this ZX Spectrum release, because even though I was enjoying my short play through while admiring the landscape and blasting enemies with my flame, the game crashed. In fact, the game crashes so much, in its current state it's rather unplayable.

So let's hope the developer fixes the bugs in time, as the competition is nearly over..  ( Crashes in both emulation and web based mode using QOAP )  Fixed - See comments for details :)

Links : 1) Source 2) Discussion

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