XYDONIA - High quality shoot 'em up is a Kickstarter success

Glorious news today for the developers Breaking Bytes as not only is their fantastic looking retro inspired shoot em up ' XYDONIA ' a Steam Greenlight success, but they've also reached their Kickstarter goal of €20,000 with 5 days still to go. This is one game I'm very excited to get my hands on, as it gives us a taste of the blasting days of the 80's and 90's such as R-Type, Gradius or Project-X but adding in the developers own ideas to make this something rather special.

If you've not read all our other articles on XYDONIA or checked out the game pages then you are seriously missing out, as it features 16bit arcade style graphics (similar to Neo Geo/mid-‘90s titles) , Music and sound effects created by emulating the arcade Yamaha YM2151+SegaPCM configuration, 4:3 aspect ratio with optional, customizable CRT emulation shader + border overlay for widescreen monitors, a multitude of characters, two-player co-op, many different enemy waves, a dynamic stage progression with multiple paths and lots more to really get your adrenaline flowing!

Make sure to check out the Alpha version 2 demo :)

Systems : PC : MAC/LINUX and Console versions as stretch goals!

Links : 1) Source

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