Cat Quest - In development Atari 2600 homebrew looks to impress

With all the games that come and go through Indie Retro News, there's always one that amazes us. This is especially true of ' Cat Quest ' developed for the Atari 2600 by Alp, which started as an idea to port a cancelled NES game of his to the Atari 2600, just for fun. Currently at an early work in progress state, Cat Quest uses a ' Venetian Blinds ' Interlacing Technique that according to him, potentially minimizes sprite flickering and the overall graphical quality of the game.

And as you can clearly see the graphics on the Atari 2600 is mighty impressive, with some on the forums hoping for an Atari 7800 version, or as one person puts it " better suited ". In terms of what type of game it will actually be, there have been a number of posts with Cat Quest being like Zelda. The visual design of the dungeons according to the developer is heavily inspired by the Legend of Zelda. Slay Monsters, find Keys, unlock Doors, and kill a Boss enemy. You know, the basics.

The downside to all this though, is the fact that it is in such an early stage of development, there's not even a downloadable build to play. Plus with so much work that needs to be done, there is a chance Cat Quest on the Atari 2600 will not see the light of day. Still we live in hope and will follow the discussion thread religiously :)

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