Super Mario Bros appears on the Amiga as a project called Other Super Mario

This year could almost be classed as the year of the Mario as it seems there has been no let up in that famous plumber either appearing on different systems as ports, fan games on the PC with Super Mario Bros. X 2.0, or hack jobs such as Communist Mario on the NES. And yet the year hasn't finished, as here we are again with another Super Mario Bros and this time Shigeru Miyamoto's game has been shown off on the Amiga as a project by Retro1234

Titled as Other Super Mario, this early project was started because the developer has always wanted Mario on the Amiga. Sadly as it's just a project there is only a 1 level demo, there's no game over sequence and the jumping is very floaty. As for if this is going to be a full project taking most of his time, this looks to be unlikely especially as he had said he may just add the odd level over time. For further details, see the discussion linked below.

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