X'2016 - The C64 had one hell of a demoparty!

There is nothing more satisfying than being at a demo party, listening to some fine tunes and seeing the best demo's that each retro machine has to offer. Yet this year at the X'2016 in the Netherlands for the C64, it was one hell of an incredible event, celebrated with demo's, graphics and music that blew even my mind. In fact during the competition results, there were 21 demos, 28 musical tracks, 17 graphics and 7 mixed graphics that were listed in the competition, each one showing the amazing talent and skill that were put into them... Seriously some must have taken hours if not weeks. So lets show off some those videos shall we, you'll not want to miss these.

1) The Phoenix Code by Bonzai

2) Lunatico by Lft

3) Wonderland XIII by Censor Design

4) Concert by Performers

5) Incoherent Nightmare by Arsenic

6) Ammonite by Fossil

7) Monumentum by Hitmen

8) Area 64 by Offence, Prosonix

The C64 scene never ceases to amaze me, but if you want to check out the rest that the demo party had to offer, head on over to the competition results listed ( here ) - Thanks to lemmingoffence for the uploads,

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