The Story of Zeldo - A love letter to Zelda but on the Pico-8!

It has been some time now since we last featured a Zelda style game, so we set out to change all that by finding one that is both enjoyable to play and is more than a standard fan game. So here we are with 'The Story of Zeldo', a love letter to Zelda, but this time surprisingly enough on the Pico-8 developed by alanxoc3 that is also available to play in your browser!

Right from the word go you can tell this is going to be a gem on the Pico-8, especially as it was created over the weeks and was originally supposed to be just a small project. This cartridge is loaded to the brim, as according to the creator it's using almost all of the music, sound, map, sprite, token, and character allocations. As he puts it, "this is the largest pico 8 project he has done yet and this is the first time he has run into space limits"

This is a really nice Pico-8 development, the story, the map, the amazing soundtrack and all the little secrets and treasure chests really give you that Zelda feeling. I especially like how the princess Zelda is named as Zeldo, and the hero Link is actually called Lank. It gave me a chuckle and did wonder if this was a copyright concern or the developer was just having a bit of fun. Bit putting my thoughts aside you should give the game ago, but don't be too harsh if you've never seen a Pico-8 development.

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