Lumberjack Reloaded - An enhanced C64-Amiga port is officially done! (Pre-Order)

Some time back we mentioned Megastyle & Protovision's C64 homebrew game of ' Lumberjack ', which put you in the mighty boots of a Lumberjack chopping down trees as fast as he can, without being bashed by the big branches above. It was a highly addictive game on the C64 that was later announced as a work in progress Amiga port as an almost 1:1 conversion thanks to Cobe and Lemming880. But now the news of the day is, this game is not only officially finished, but it's available to pre-order as a rather sweet looking box!

According to the team behind the game there have been noticeable improvements since the earlier release such as an awesome title screen music by Simon JMD, a high score table, bonus pick ups, animated bunnies with attitude, scrolling clouds, colour scrolling animated water, Lumberjack unique artistic fonts and copper backgrounds. But the only way of getting this awesome package is by either paying the lowest 1 euro for the ADF or up to 6 euros for the Amiga CD, BOX version. Certainly a worthy game for purchase indeed, the only downside you're going to have to wait till July 20th!

Links : 1) Discussion 2) Website Preordering

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