Dead Horizon - Pull the trigger and blast villains in this short point n clicker!

Ask most people who remember the Arcades in the early 90's and I'm sure they will tell you of a time of not side scrolling shooters and jumping platformers, but also of a time of blasting away enemies with gun in hand faced at the screen and wiping out gun wielding foes such as those found in Mad Dog McCree! Now if you do remember those games which also included Wild Gunmen, Namco Quick & Crash, then it might be worth your time checking out this rather unique shooting game called Dead Horizon developed by 14HoursProductions.

According to the creator behind Dead Horizon he has said "this game was inspired by not just the games listed above but his own fascination with westerns and their machismo focused story lines on masculinity, murder, and guns". Although the game is very very short in play length it takes us back to a golden age of gaming with out of date graphics, an out of date soundtrack, quickdraw duals, a classic 4:3 aspect ratio, and a multitude of enemies to blast in a game that's completely free!

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