Inviyya - Work in progress footage of an in development Amiga Shoot Em Up

Even more early footage today and not related to the C64, is Steril707's in development game ' Inviyya '. which is coming to the Amiga. First announced via the EAB forums, this Amiga game was originally started as a design exercise for himself in learning Amiga ASM by coding with the end result of creating a space shooter level with only 8 colours. Fast forward to now and the game has improved in such a way that the game is animated to the point that enemies are now being shot at and destroyed!

Currently the only available footage is via our Commodore Amiga Facebook group, which requires being a member of FB and joining the group. But from what is shown, it's looking pretty decent overall even at this early stage but of course there is still a long way to go!

Links : 1) Source

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