What do you get if you mix the game play and in part, the graphics of The Bitmap Brothers classic 'Gods'; a Platformer from 1991, with a futuristic shooter? You'd probably get this next heads up by Per-Ola Eriksson and video previewed by Hipoonios, the unreleased Amiga game ' Desolate World '. Now as this is an unreleased game, many of you probably haven't heard of it, but thanks to a post by Solaris104, we can tell you this was a demo coverdisk version released as public in a Czech magazine Amiga Review 28!
But that's not all, as Solaris has said this GODS style sci-fi game was developed by Vladimir Cizek, Pavel Cizek, Petr Klimunda and ExiE with publishing rights by Vulcan! However with all the levels done, it was never published and lost on a hard disk, so as from what we can see so far, there's still this demo version to play!
Links : 1) Source (post 124)
I've tried to get this game running on winuae and android and retroarch, just a blank screen any advice?