Gandalf - Lovely in dev ZX Spectrum platformer by cmgonzalez hits demo version 7

Throughout the upcoming months while the ZX-DEV Conversions competition is ongoing, we will be keeping an eye on the latest entries that have been submitted as conversions from other games from other platforms, from movies,cartoons, books and even comics! One such game we can't wait till it's finished and one that has advanced a lot since its first showing, is the Super Mario Bros inspired ZX Spectrum game Gandalf 'by cmgonzalez, that is now at demo version 7

Now if you remember my previous write up I was already impressed by the game as a very first showing especially with some rather nice detailed tilesets such as the platforms, backgrounds, items and animated lava. But now as demo version 7, the game almost looks completely different! Gone is the blue background, the tilsets have been improved a lot, a new GUI screen has been implemented, 16 new screen levels, and the enemies are now far more deadly and can actually shoot you with arrows!

First Demo version

But here's where the impressiveness ends, as just like in the first demo the early version does have a number of issues, almost to the point of an alpha. There are times when you can fall through lava, your character can get stuck in certain areas, some of the screens reset towards the far right, you can't get hurt (YET), and worst of all the game doesn't always appear after the loading screen. But still putting that aside of all the games I've seen so far, this one is at the top of my wanted list!

Links : 1) Source 2) Demo Version 7

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