Indie Retro News Patreon Funding Campaign is launched!

Finally after being poked left right and centre last year to set up a Patreon Funding campaign to help Indie Retro News, it's time to announce that the campaign is now live! Yes indeed thanks to a kick up the back side ;) and Chris Wilkins of those awesome Fusion Retro Books such as The Story of the Commodore 64 in Pixels and The Crash Annual 2018 reminding us throughout 2017 we've decided now is the right time to launch for even more Amiga, Amstrad, C64 and even ZX Spectrum goodness!

So what do you get out of it? Well apart from more write ups from us which is really going to kick up a notch next week, we will hire extra writers, you will get some exclusive heads up news AND more awesome stuff in the pipeline ;)

Links : 1) Indie Retro News Patreon Page

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