Romhacking Spotlight - Lode Runner Mini, Super Mario Ultimate and SoR2

Welcome to another post of the Romhacking Spotlight! If you missed the first post this segment is all about recommending some of the many great romhacks that you might have missed. For me romhacking is a way to play those old games in a new way, or to get a sequel to a game that never were. For example we all loved Super Mario Bros 3 but Nintendo had to move on to the next generation consoles and sadly never made any more Mario Bros games for the Nes. But thanks to romhacking we can see many new versions of a game and a good example of this is the hack "Super Mario Ultimate" that you can read more about in this post :)

Lode Runner Mini (Nes)

Lode Runner is a game with very simple mechanics but the level designs really make this game so tricky and challenging! I used to play the C64 version of Lode Runner with the minimalistic graphic style. It had small pixel stick figure like characters and limited colors. But the Nes version of Lode Runner looks totally different, it has more detailed and colorful graphics. Personally I never liked this version and i especially didn't like that you couldn't see the entire screen, you had to walk around and let the screen scroll with the player to see the other parts of the level. But i have very good news for you, there is a hack called "Lode Runner Mini" that includes both versions of the game! Just pick Big size or Mini size from the main menu and enjoy this classic game!

Links : 1) Source

Super Mario Ultimate (Nes)

This must be the best SMB3 hack that I have played yet! It might not be as impressive as Super Mario 3mix or Super Mario Adventure that both added many new features to the original game. Instead Super Mario Ultimate is an amazing makeover with the best sprites and graphic changes that I have seen and the level design is just perfect! Every level has a great challenging design that could have been designed by Nintendo themselves and the developer of this hack have added many smart and interesting new obstacles and puzzles that we never have seen before in a Mario game for the Nes. Super impressive, I really recommend this one!

Links : 1) Source

Streets of Rage 2: Multiple Enemies!! (Megadrive/Genesis)

I often see sprite replacement hacks for Streets of Rage 2, these hacks doesn't add any new moves or features to the game they just replace the sprites of one of the existing characters. Its not really interesting. But this hack actually changes the game and makes me want to play it again. The "Multiple Enemies!!" hack adds more enemies with a bit lower health so the difficulty of the game is still the same. More enemies equals more fighting, more fun! Try it out :)

Links : 1) Source

Posted by @Thermoptic

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