The Siege and The Sandfox - Metroidvania with stealth looks beautiful

It is not often we talk about games with lush graphics and interesting gameplay, but it looks as if The Siege and The Sandfox could be the next best thing if you're into Metroidvania's. You see this game in development by Cardboard Sword and published by Chucklefish isn't your average platformer, as according to the team behind the game, this is a Stealthvania. An infusion of stealth into the familiar Metroidvania experience, creating a unique twist on the ever-popular genre lovingly realised in an evocative 2D art style, enriched with the power of Unreal Engine 4

As noted in the description A shining city lies besieged in the heart of a vast desert. As the moon rises over the royal palace, a notorious assassin watches the king die to a traitor’s hand. Discovered, falsely accused, and thrown into the labyrinthine dungeons below, they must escape to tell the tale - else the city will fall. You must master dynamic parkour abilities to explore the cavernous depths of an ancient underground prison, evading detection and avoiding certain death from a sand-borne evil. Foil the enemy's attempt to strike from within the heart of the kingdom!

Release Date : TBA

Links :1) Website

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