ZX-Dev-MIA-Remakes - ZX-Dev announces a brand new Speccy competition!

It's a time to rejoice ZX Spectrum gamers as we've just been told by Ivan of ZX Dev, that the latest ZX Spectrum competition called ZX-Dev-MIA-Remakes has been launched and ready for your entries. This competition for all you speccy lovers and unlike the previous ZX-Dev competitions with fantastic entries such as mighty final fight and Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, is totally fresh as the main themes are MIA (Missing in action) and Remakes!

Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors

As noted by the Main Rules for the competition any game can either be a Spectrum game based on a Spectrum title which was in the 80s and 90s a MIA game (that means never released for the Spectrum), or a Spectrum Remake of an existing game for the Spectrum. Authors can decide if they want to use the same names as in the original ones or want to change it, but they have to indicate the original inspiration. There are no restrictions regarding how a MIA or Remake game has to be developed!

So good luck and I'm sure just like last time this compo is going to be a BIG HIT, so make sure to read the all rules at the source :)

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