Nutmeg & Insidia - Two Backbone Amiga games

Saberman is on the ball again for the Amiga community, as just recently he's uploaded two videos of two Amiga games that might be worth a quick playthrough. The first one 'Nutmeg ' is a cute side scrolling platformer in which you must avoid obstacles while collecting stars, and the second one 'Insidia' has a much more darker tone set upon a strange planet, with the task of finding repair kits to fix your broken ship.

Although both games only require a 1MB Chip, 1 MB Fast RAM based Amiga, sadly both of them are made in Backbone which stands out in a negative way with the videos provided above. The games suffer from very jerky scrolling and low frame rates, which is the main reasons many of our readers do not like some Amiga games when they are created using Backbone. Still for being free games and only require a small download, it might be worth giving them a quick go.

Links :1) Nutmeg 2) Insidia 

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