Piconian - Pico-8 Bosconian De-Make

Pico-8 has it's share of clones and De-Makes of very well known games, but the diminutive platform is also bringing out people to make homages to more esoteric and lesser known games from early arcade history. P8 user Aquova has brought us a fine mini-make of the 1981 shooter Bosconian.

Aquova has done well to capture the essence of the original but not without a few casualties. The Pico-8 version has of course a much smaller playfield, which also makes the game feel much faster. In turn the world feels very crowded with what feels like the asteroid field from Empire Strikes Back. it's also lacking diagonal flying, making certain maneuvers  harder than the original cabinet. and finally, the alien ships fire so fast that there's typically no-where to go to avoid getting hit.

Ultimately this is quite a playable, if hard as nails, shooter with enough difficulty that you'll want to keep trying to beat your highscore or rage quit and go smash up your sofa!

play and download Piconian on the Pico-8 BBS here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=54876&tid=31627

@ABrugsch Twit, Insta

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