Spelunky demade on the Pico-8 as 'Delunky'

The original Spelunky released in 2008 is an action/puzzle platform game, where you play as the Spelunker who must explore tombs and other locations looking for treasure, (and love!) avoiding traps, blowing up scenery and enemies while escaping with as much loot as possible. It was and still is such a great game that Johan Peitz released his own version as a demake for the Pico-8 called ' Delunky '.

Submitted for the DemakeJam 2018, Delunky is once again another great entry into the jam and really feels like you are playing a mini version of the original game Spelunky. There's gold to be found, enemies to avoid, and as the description says you can even use your trusty whip in combination with bombs, ropes, and whatever you scavenge to get as far as you can. So yes a great game , just be aware the game generates new "cave" levels endlessly as there's no room to do any other themes

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