Crash Annual 2019 - Issue 100 Kickstarter is a BIG retro success!

It wasn't long ago now that we told you of Chris Wilkins newest Kickstarter for the Crash Annual 2019 - Issue 100; a campaign for an Annual full of game reviews, techy bits and even an Adventure trail with another great ZX Speccy cover by Oliver Frey. Well we are pleased to tell you not only is this Kickstarter a success, but it has smashed its goal of £20,000 and reached £27,020 through the first of many awesome stretch goals and there's still 25 days to go.

As we said before this latest BIG 100 issue will be packed with 120 pages of awesomeness, full of lush colour detail and gaming retro eye candy. But if that wasn't enough to whet your appetite Roger Kean and Oliver Frey will yet again be taking part, with Roger taking the helm as the editor and Oli in charge of the graphical style and cover, as well as contributors to the campaign including Lloyd Mangram (the letter guy), Nick Roberts (Playing tips), Stuart Williams's (Adventure Trail) and even Simon Goodwin(Tech section).

So head on over to the Kickstarter now as there's still plenty of time to hit those stretch goals.

Links :1) Kickstarter 

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