Heroes of Gorluth - High quality Amiga platformer available for pre-order

If you've not heard of AmiWorx, they were behind Tales of Gorluth and Tales of Gorluth II; two great Amiga action adventure games which featured hours of game play, great colour graphics,exciting quests and more than 40 pieces of music that made them both a great experience to play. Well that same team are back in the news again, but this time announcing their previous work in progress platformer spin off as Heroes of Gorluth, is now ready for pre-orders!

Looking like a cross between an old school Amiga platformer and Castlevania, HEROES OF GORLUTH will be coming to an ECS AMIGA 68020 2MB system near you as either a boxed Amiga CD32 version, CD-Rom and or Digital Download(later). It will once again feature great graphics but will instead also feature player sprite animations, a new in game progress map, and lots more to make this game worthy of a purchase priced at €19.99.

Links :1) Pre-Order

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