Some time ago we shocked the community with the announcement that the classic Resident Evil, originally released on the Playstation, created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara by that famous company Capcom. Was unofficially being remade to the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis as an Isometric remake by PSCDgames. Well there's good news for today and no it's not a complete release, as we've been told in our email that a new piece of footage has been released which shows the work in progress title of ' Bio Evil ' as being tested with the original soundtrack. (only 2 melodies are inserted, in the final version there will be all the music).
As we said before in the first game in the series on the Playstation released in 1996, the game was set in a mansion in the woods in which you had to fight disgusting creatures such as Zombies and even a Dog initially due to the release of the T-virus developed by the Umbrella Corporation. This fan based version which is due to be released on the Sega Megadrive and Genesis takes you back to the Mansion but this time as a colourful 16bit isometric version, with disgusting creatures intact.
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