Blask - First person shooter Amiga tech demo update

Once again 'Blask (eng. Shine?, Glow?, Glare?)' is in the news, as Saberman has just given us a quick heads up to tell us a new Amiga tech demo was available for this work in progress first person shooter developed using AMOS. We had already announced the previous tech demo to this game, but this new version doesn't just feature a larger 3px screen size, but also included is a new full screen addition!

The author has said this is still an alpha test version of the engine, with added walking in 8 directions per batch + wall detection and 'sliding' over them + background shift consistent with rotation. As for the new update which includes the previous additions, you can now atleast run the game with a much bigger screen view.

Links :1) Forum  2) FullScreen Download 

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