Panzer - Strategy game released by Sputnik World for the C64

Moving away from the platformers and shoot em ups, we now look towards Sputnik World for our C64 goodness. As unlike those genres, this one is a strategy game set in World War 2 called 'Panzer'. This game released just recently, pits your tanks against other tanks as you move around the map area to take control of a multitude of enemy bases to complete the mission.

In this game you control a set number of tanks and must move them manually through the use of the " Tank Move " option through each screen, until they reach the enemy bases to be taken over. Beware however as although you will encounter other tanks and mines, if you don't fire quickly, your shield bar will drop and one of your tanks will be destroyed. As for the game itself, it features top quality gameplay, decent enough graphics, a unique idea to C64 based combat and a fine loading screen if loaded via tape!

Links :1) Source  2) Download PRG 3) Download Tape 4) Detailed Info

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